Uploading Charts

This is how I upload charts to the Greenhorn website.

To start with, I usually have the charts as JPEG or PDF files.  Often when I get them, the files are named in a way that would be irritating and confusing, like this:

Finale Print Music 2009 - [afro blue - Flute.mus].pdf


The first thing I do is to rename the files to something that is easily to recognize at a glance, and easily searchable.  The naming scheme I like is

<name of piece>_<key of chart>

like this:


Or, if there’s more than once chart for the key, then I like

<name of piece>_<instrument>_<key of chart>

like this:



The next thing to do is to upload the charts.  We use the WordPress Download Manager to manage charts.  This is available in the administration dashboard of the site, under the “Downloads” menu item.


Changing Website Appearance

WordPress is a “Theme” based system.  The “Theme” you choose dictates the basic layout and appearance of the website.  Once you’ve chosen a theme, you can customize it by changing the colour scheme, background images, what’s in the menus and sidebars, and so on.  The WordPress documentation for Themes is at:  http://codex.wordpress.org/Themes.

In the administration menu, you change themes and customize the current theme with the Appearance menu:



To change theme, pick “Themes”:


This will take you to the screen that allows you to pick a theme for the website:


By default, you start with just a few themes to choose from, but there are hundreds more that you can download with just a click of the mouse and try out.  To browse and download themes, click on “Add New Theme”


Once you have a theme that’s structured the way you like it, you can customize it, changing colours and so on.  To do so, click on the “Customize” menu item in the Appearance menu:


This will take you to a screen where you can customize the theme’s appearance, changing colours, background images, menus, what’s in the header and sidebar, etc.


Editing and Adding Pages

When you are logged on to the site, and you have editor or administrator permissions, you can edit the static webpages on the site, add new web pages, and delete web pages.

When viewing a page, you can edit that page by pressing the little “Edit” button in the lower left corner of the page:



To add or remove pages etc., go to the “Pages” menu item in the administration interface for the website (the “Dashboard”):



For more info, check out the WordPress documentation for Pages.