This is how I upload charts to the Greenhorn website.
To start with, I usually have the charts as JPEG or PDF files. Often when I get them, the files are named in a way that would be irritating and confusing, like this:
Finale Print Music 2009 - [afro blue - Flute.mus].pdf
The first thing I do is to rename the files to something that is easily to recognize at a glance, and easily searchable. The naming scheme I like is
<name of piece>_<key of chart>
like this:
Or, if there’s more than once chart for the key, then I like
<name of piece>_<instrument>_<key of chart>
like this:
The next thing to do is to upload the charts. We use the WordPress Download Manager to manage charts. This is available in the administration dashboard of the site, under the “Downloads” menu item.